

10 Tips for Writing Strong Lead Paragraphs in News Releases

June 21st, 2013 by

The basics of writing great news releases are more important than ever. Outside of your headline, most of your focus should be on crafting a strong lead paragraph—that’s where your news release lives or dies.

Video Pick: Maxipad’s Hilarious Response to Facebook Comment

June 21st, 2013 by

For this week’s video pick, PR News chose “Bodyform Responds :: The Truth.” In the spot, Maxipad’s fictional CEO Caroline Williams addresses a man named Richard Neill who penned a tongue-in-cheek Facebook rant decrying the brand’s false depiction of a woman’s “wonderful time of the month.”

Serena Williams Serves Up 2 Lessons for PR Pros

June 20th, 2013 by

Serena Williams has a history of speaking her mind and shooting straight from the hip. However, she may have crossed the line in a recent Rolling Stone interview.

No Media Training in Paula Deen’s Kitchen

June 20th, 2013 by

Celebrity chef and butter aficionado Paula Deen is losing in the court of public opinion as revelations of her racist remarks and behavior continue to unfurl in a lawsuit brought against her by a former manager. Deen’s actions are undeniably inexcusable and begs the question: Has anyone dared to suggest to her that perhaps she needs some media training?

How to Avoid the Stink in Your Storytelling

June 20th, 2013 by

My son Max tells very long stories that veer in curious directions. By the time he’s nearing the point, he forgets the ending. It’s rather cute and endearing – he is, after all, only 12 years old. He will sometimes exclaim frustrating…

How to Avoid the Stink in Your Storytelling

June 20th, 2013 by

My son Max tells very long stories that veer in curious directions. By the time he’s nearing the point, he forgets the ending. It’s rather cute and endearing – he is, after all, only 12… Continued

6 Tips For an Effective Email Pitch

June 19th, 2013 by

Journalists get dozens of emails a day (if not more—depends on the journalist). Cutting through the clutter is a constant challenge for PR pros trying to get their pitches seen, let alone accepted.

As Content Marketing Moves Into the Mainstream, Communicators Take a New Look at Paid Media

June 18th, 2013 by

Public relations executives must step up their efforts to integrate paid media into their overall communications strategy, according to Leslie Campisi, managing director, United States, for Hotwire PR.

4 Pillars of Content Marketing for PR Pros

June 18th, 2013 by

Real-world examples of content marketing took center stage at PR News’ Content Marketing Boot Camp. An opening session of the conference, which is taking place at The Yale Club in New York City, featured a discussion about some of the most effective content marketing strategies.

Pros and Cons of (Rumored) Instagram Video

June 17th, 2013 by

Thursday Facebook will be holding a press event that is creating volumes of intrigue and speculation. TechCrunch reports that the social media giant may introduce video features for its photo-sharing product Instagram.