

Paula Deen, J.Lo, Next Crisis: What is PR’s Role in a Hot Mess?

July 1st, 2013 by

There are countless communications takeaways from the recent celebrity gaffes. Whether it’s Paula Deen dealing with allegations of being a racist and then dropped like a buttered sweet potato by every brand partner, or Jennifer Lopez singing “H…

Paula Deen, J.Lo, Next Crisis: What is PR’s Role in a Hot Mess?

July 1st, 2013 by

There are countless communications takeaways from the recent celebrity gaffes. Whether it’s Paula Deen dealing with allegations of being a racist and then dropped like a buttered sweet potato by every brand partner, or Jennifer… Continued

4 Visual Storytelling Tips for the Text-less Age

July 1st, 2013 by

It took less than two weeks for Instagram’s newest video feature to overtake Vine for social media shares. On June 27 Topsy reported that Instagram video shares were north of 1.5 million, versus Vine, which came in just south of a million.

Will PR Take the Fall for JLo’s Serenade in Turkmenistan?

July 1st, 2013 by

On Saturday, Jennifer Lopez sang Happy Birthday to Turkmenistan’s president, Gurbanguly M. Berdimuhamedov. Today, there’s PR hell to pay.

Millennial Moms Engage More Deeply in Social Channels; Mobile Traffic Stalls in the First Quarter (As Usual)

July 1st, 2013 by

Millennial moms spend an average of 17 hours per week on social networking sites. Mark Weiner on The Measurement Myth.

How Changes In Buyer Dynamics Impact PR Pros

July 1st, 2013 by

The sixth annual Technology CMO Roundtable, co-sponsored by Arketi Group and PR News, buzzed with ideas, best practices, learning, questions and—most important—actionable insights.

Dialing Up More Serialized Content: There is No Stop and Start, Just Go

July 1st, 2013 by

For the last several years PR agency Peppercomm has worked with Nikon to promote the Nikon Small World photomicrography contest, which features up-close-and-personal views of everything from algae and bugs to beautiful landscapes. Previously, Peppercomm deployed its PR efforts around the winning entries, which offered a relatively small window—perhaps a few weeks or so—to get the word out and pitch the media to cover the contest and the results.

Communicators Must Adapt Old Conduct Rules For Social Media Age

July 1st, 2013 by

Talking about ethics and social media is like discussing ethics and automobiles or ethics and electricity. There is nothing intrinsically moral or immoral about social media.

A Teachable Twitter Moment, Courtesy of the Baldwins and Their Tormentors

June 28th, 2013 by

Did she or didn’t she? That is, did Alec Baldwin’s wife tweet about “amazing recipes,” wedding anniversary presents and her appearance on the “Rachael Ray Show” at James Gandolfini’s funeral service?

The Next Big Thing: The Internet of Things

June 28th, 2013 by

As PR pros, it’s important to be on the cutting edge of technology. Here’s what’s percolating in the world of tech today.