

Extreme Calendaring: Here’s How to Boost Productivity Now

January 3rd, 2017 by

Shopping for a 2017 wall calendar for my office over the holiday break, I had a hard time deciding between the zoo animals in yoga poses, all things Tuscany, or an adult coloring calendar.  My… Continued

google, analytics

5 Key Google Analytics Areas to Inform Your Strategy

December 15th, 2016 by

Google Analytics can be a powerful tool for measuring the effectiveness of PR work—but only if you know where to look. New users can easily be overwhelmed by Google Analytics, falling prey to “analysis paralysis” in trying to navigate its many moving parts. Here’s a quick checklist of where to look, and what to look for, as a primer on navigating all of that data.

facebook, mobile

Facebook Reports Issues With Metrics on Mobile

December 13th, 2016 by

Facebook has reported more metrics troubles for those who use its mobile platform (read: most Facebook users). The social platform has reported a discrepancy between Like and Share counts when a user enters a URL into the search bar in its mobile app. The true count of shares could be above or below the number reported; Facebook says it is working to resolve the issue.

Traditional Media Measurement Will Exit by 2018, and 6 More Predictions

December 12th, 2016 by

The term PR may be obsolete by the end of 2017. The concept of PR meaning ”building relationships with one’s publics” remains valid. But the common vernacular meaning of PR as being mostly about media relations is rapidly going the way of the landline and the floppy disk. Look at titles today. My database used to be filled with titles like “PR manager.” Now it includes one or more of the following words in an astonishing variety of combinations: social, digital, content marketing, PESO, public relations, public affairs, communications, advertising, marketing, development, events, etc.

Why You Should Allocate Your PR Budget Surplus to Measurement Now

December 5th, 2016 by

It’s too late in the year to plan and execute a new PR campaign. And you lack the amount you would need in the budget for another major expenditure. But your use-it-or-lose-it situation means you need a smart solution, stat. Have no fear: It’s measurement to the rescue. Why measurement? Think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate to your company leadership that you can be resourceful and that you understand the importance of data. In other words, use the rest of your budget in a data-driven media analysis to substantiate the influence of your 2016 PR effort and provide a strategic roadmap for 2017.

analytics dashboard

6 KPIs to Steer Your Google Analytics Program

November 17th, 2016 by

Google Analytics is among a PR pro’s most valuable means of proving ROI on a campaign. But for communicators that consider themselves more wordsmiths than STEM experts, it can be challenging to move past “analysis paralysis” when approaching a complex tool like Google Analytics.

5 Considerations for Setting PR Measurement Benchmarks

November 16th, 2016 by

As excited as we all are to jump into action with a brilliant new PR initiative, it’s important not to find yourself asking yourself in the aftermath “…wait, what should we have been measuring? Are the numbers we ended up with great, good, bad? Are those numbers important to my boss?” Look before you leap, and lay a foundation for what to measure and what to expect.

Do Your 3 Search Words Suck? Six Questions to Ponder Now

November 7th, 2016 by

At a networking event last week, an industry colleague asked me if I’ve ever Googled myself. She whispered the question to me as if to self-Google were verboten. Fortunately, we were interrupted by a mutual… Continued

9 Great Ideas From Award-Winning Communicators

October 21st, 2016 by

Brands, in an effort to get out a shareable tweet or a super-likeable post, are often caught in a daily trap of shallow engagement with its communities. Your stakeholders — humans just like you and… Continued

google, analytics

4 Ways the Latest Google Analytics Update Speeds Up Reporting

October 11th, 2016 by

Good news for the communicator who relies heavily on metrics, but is often short on time: Google has announced an update that’s designed to make the Google Analytics interface a lot simpler to navigate. Here are the key features that may make it easier for you to respond to requests for metrics in record time.