Relaying messages about higher prices is often the communicator’s job. Here are some ways to do it well.
Stories by Seth Arenstein

Despite Differences, Journalists and PR Pros Have Much in Common
April 28th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinIt’s not a secret that some journalists complain about PR pros. Likewise, communicators grouse about media members. Analysis of recent data about the two professions cements some well-known differences, but also raises less-mentioned similarities. Perhaps… Continued

A Bank CCO Who Mixes Internal Communication and Measurement
April 20th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinDuring this interview, we asked Laura Burke, the CCO of Santander Bank US, about her priorities, keeping the human touch in messaging, measuring reputation and crisis communication.

Is Burger King’s Trouble Really a Whopper?
April 11th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinThe legal case against Burger King’s Whopper raises an interesting question for PR. When is a little truth stretching permissible?

Communicators Play Key Role in Advancing Better Images of Women
April 6th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinThe additional burden that women must look like the Kardashians has resurfaced. Fortunately, PR pros can help move society away from this antiquated trope.

Explaining Decisions on Russia: Begin with Why and Don’t Over-Communicate
April 5th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinDeciding to remain in or leave Russia seems like a black-and-white issue for companies. It’s not. The complexity is causing headaches for PR pros.

How You and Your Executive Can Become a Reporter’s Trusted Sources
March 31st, 2022 by Seth ArensteinA common refrain PR pros hear from executives they represent is, ‘Why don’t I get called as a source?’ Here’s how to respond.

Accountability: Companies Should Measure Their Social Justice, DEI Efforts
March 28th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinCompanies that are serious about their social justice and DEI work must measure it and hold themselves accountable, says Fenton CEO Valarie De La Garza.

Ukraine’s a ‘Game Changer,’ Companies Must Take Political Stands
March 17th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinNot long ago companies could steer clear of politics. That option’s gone, courtesy of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ambassador Francisco Santos says.

PRNEWS Crisis Summit Mixes Global Scenarios with Reality
March 10th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinSome industry conferences are insular, oblivious to external events. That wasn’t so at the recent PRNEWS Crisis Management Summit in Miami Beach.