Archive: May 2016


How an Online Brand Used Video to Gain Public’s Trust

May 16th, 2016 by

At its core, successfully marketing a product or service is about fostering a positive relationship with the consumer. In developing this relationship, a brand needs to actively dedicate itself to building trust.

APCO Report: Pharmaceutical Industry Shows Reputation Can Be Complex Calculation

May 16th, 2016 by

You had to love the photo of a baseball catcher falling, heels over head, which CNBC ran on its site accompanying a story about pharma brand Valeant ( PRN , Mar 28), whose stock fell 5%+ May 12. The decline

Lessons in Crisis Delusion; UK PM Cameron and UC Davis’ Katehi

May 16th, 2016 by

It’s a toss-up. Who was suffering more from delusional thinking last month: UK Prime Minister David Cameron or UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi? You’ll have to judge for yourself.

A Former Intern’s Guide to Making the Most of an Internship

May 13th, 2016 by

The ambiguity around the question of whether or not you’ll get the job after your internship isn’t really all that important. It’s great to get the offer, but what’s really important is making the most out of your time spent in the working world. For those out there who’ve already locked down their summer internships, or even if you’re still looking or considering making the jump, here are a few things I learned from my internship with PR News.

6 Tips for Working With YouTube Influencers

May 13th, 2016 by

More and more, brands are realizing that audiences (especially young audiences) are spending a lot of time on YouTube, and that the video platform’s influential content creators are perhaps the best target for their media relations efforts. Consumers aged 13-24 spend more time watching YouTube than TV, it has been reported—the former seems more promising in the ROI department.

Is Budweiser’s ‘America’ Rebrand a Good Idea?

May 12th, 2016 by

Budweiser has long liked to think itself an essential part of the American identity. In recent years the company hasn’t shied from proclaiming itself as such. In a continuation of the beer’s patriotic branding, Anheuser-Busch InBev announced its boldest move yet: Budweiser will be removing the brand name from its cans and bottles, and rebranding the beer simply as “America.”

Crisis Communications Lessons From the Campaign Trail

May 12th, 2016 by

The 2016 presidential election has been nothing short of a spectacle, turning traditional political conventions (no pun intended) squarely on their head. And just as this election has forced the political establishment to alter its strategies, business organizations must re-evaluate how to approach the unpredictable and unforgiving crises they face in today’s new media landscape.

Social Media: Why Communicators Should Play by the Rules…or Not

May 11th, 2016 by

After a recent afternoon of listening to social media experts, it’s clear many of us are unknowingly interacting on virgin land on a daily basis. Certainly social media has been legitimized. Nearly every business has a social presence, as do nearly 90% of the 193 U.N. country governments and world leaders, even the Pope, a Burson-Marsteller report says.

Digital Dream Team org chart

May 11th, 2016 by

Org chart courtesy of social@Ogilvy.

8 Body Language Recommendations for Broadcast Interviews

May 11th, 2016 by

Scenario: You’re a veteran PR pro leading communications for a suddenly hot start-up, and you’ve just gotten a request from a broadcast network for a live interview that day with your 22-year-old CEO. These tips for managing body language during a broadcast interview are going to come in might handy.