Archive: October 2013


Communications Pros Take Note: Internet Trolls Don’t Like Their Friends to Know That They’re Trolls

October 14th, 2013 by

A new piece of research confirms a pattern that we always suspected was the case, based on anecdotal experience (and maybe our own behavior). That is that Facebook users (and by extension, all those who… Continued

What I Learned at Comic Con

October 14th, 2013 by

For reasons that escape me now, I said yes to my son Max when he asked if we could go to Comic Con together this past weekend.  Sounded like a fun day out in New York City: hanging with 125,000 pop culture fans at the Javits Center, more than half of whom came dressed as […]

Add Fuel To Your Mobile PR Strategy

October 14th, 2013 by

A May 2013 study by Pew Internet shows that 55% of cell phone owners use the Internet on their phones, and 17% percent are using a phone for most of their Web browsing. The spike in mobile traffic has been

Create Effective Strategies For Competitor-Focused Analysis

October 14th, 2013 by

More and more business leaders are coming to terms with the fact that—in the age of multi-channel, social communication—they require public relations professionals to help them better understand important information and trends created by open digital conversation.

Facing Unforeseen Obstacles, PR Needs To Focus on ‘Core Mission’

October 14th, 2013 by

As the partial government shutdown drags on Democrats and Republicans are waging a fierce communications battle—with all the free publicity that politicians can muster—regarding which party is responsible for the stalemate. But for the majority of PR pros who for the federal government, communication is pretty much off limits.

Is ‘Big Data’ More Trouble Than It’s Worth? Marketing The Benefits of Your Brand Leaves A Lot To Be Desired

October 14th, 2013 by

Data is proving to be an effective tool for PR execs eager to improve their measurement capabilities. However, 70% of executives indicated that there remains a lack of real-time access available to leverage the precise data needed, according to a recent study from and Domo.

Lacquer Morphs Natural Products Expo East + West from a Trade Show Into a Valuable Asset for Media Outlets

October 14th, 2013 by

This year’s Natural Product Expo in action. The event drew more than 1500 members of the media. A graphic showcasing some of the results from The Natural Product Expo, as well as the tactics used to achieve

PR and Advertising: Collaborating In a Digital Age

October 14th, 2013 by

For many years there was separation between church and state, so to speak, when it came to advertising and public relations. Sometimes agencies would handle only one discipline or the other. Consumers would

6 Tips to Better Twitter Chats

October 11th, 2013 by

Twitter engagement can be a tough nut to crack, but not an impossible one. No matter the scale of your company or organization there are ways to tap into Twitter to make it a two-way communications platform.

Want to Break Through the Clutter With Your CSR Campaign? Here are 3 Tips

October 11th, 2013 by

It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and brands are going all out to show their support. The challenge lies in the ability for organizations with cancer-related CSR programs to stand out from the crowd and let stakeholders know about the great work that they’re doing.