Archive: March 2012


Tip Sheet: And the Boss Should Listen to You…Because?

March 12th, 2012 by

If you want your ideas to resonate with your boss, first ask yourself: What’s in it for her or him?

B2B Communications: ‘Fatigue’ Aside, Facebook Drives Deep Engagement of Targeted Audiences

March 12th, 2012 by

B2B brands may have jumped into Facebook later than consumer brands, but they can still reap the engagement and awareness benefits of the social network.

Seven Things You Will Learn in This Week’s Issue of PR News

March 12th, 2012 by

1. Over 1 billion people worldwide are expected to take part in Earth Day on April 22, 2012. 2.A short video on digital guidelines is a good internal motivator, and employees can sign off on… Continued

Quick Study: Security, Privacy Concerns Impact Consumer Choices; High-Profile Brands Have Low Market Value Problems

March 12th, 2012 by

â–¶ Privacy and Security Affecting Reputation: A new Edelman study, “Privacy & Security: The New Drivers of Brand, Reputation and Action Global Insights 2012,” finds that concerns about data security and privacy are impacting what… Continued

Trying to Prove PR’s Value? All You Need Is an iPhone

March 9th, 2012 by

A flight attendant went berserk on an American Airlines plane this morning as it taxied for takeoff in Dallas, and some of the action was broadcast on the Web. This got me thinking: Who got the first email or call at American when the story broke? I th…

Facebook Users Receive More, Give Less; Robust Sites Lift In-Store Sales; Social Media and Software Industry

March 9th, 2012 by

▶ Facebook Users Receiveth More, Giveth Less: A Feb. 2012 Pew Internet study that combines server logs of Facebook activity with survey data finds that over one month, 40% of average Facebook users made a

Pinterest Stays in the Driver’s Seat

March 9th, 2012 by

Pinterest drove more traffic to other sites in February than Twitter, and represents yet another opportunity for brands to connect with customers.

6 Tips for PR Pros at SXSW—and for Those Keeping Score at Home

March 8th, 2012 by

If you’re going to Austin for SXSW, remember to check in frequently on Foursquare. And if you’re following from afar, the hashtag is #SXSW.

Int’l Women’s Day: Women Prevail in PR, but in Numbers Only

March 8th, 2012 by

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we take a look at PR and gender—and find that there may be a reverse gender gap.