Social Media & SEO


Picture This: Instagram Going Gangbusters for Consumer Packaged Goods Companies

October 13th, 2014 by

Only about 30% of all socially active brands have an Instagram profile, so now is the time for public relations professionals to work with clients on strategies to incorporate the platform into communications strategies

We’re All Coders Now, But That’s Not a Bad Thing For PR

October 13th, 2014 by

As digital communications starts to eclipse traditional media channels, PR pros must learn a whole new set of disciplines in order to demonstrate their value.

Will PR and Marketing Get Married One Day?

October 13th, 2014 by

Inevitably the question arises when you’re in a room full of communicators: how do we break down the silos between PR and Marketing? I recently moderated a panel with Andrew Bowins of Mastercard and Jay… Continued

5 Reasons Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t Working

October 10th, 2014 by

For all the planning, however, sometimes SEO strategies don’t work. With so many moving parts, it can be hard to determine exactly where you have gone wrong. So what can you do when you have done your SEO homework but still aren’t seeing the results you want?

3 Starting Points for Your Social Media Storytelling Strategy

October 9th, 2014 by

Finding the stories that make your brand or organization interesting or different and optimizing them for the biggest possible impact on social media should be the primary priority when trying to reach your audience via social media.

6 Ways to Make Your Brand ‘Pop’ on Facebook

October 9th, 2014 by

Facebook users can be prickly about how brands interact with them, and they’re likely to regard you with disdain if they feel like you’re invading their social space with blatant advertisements. Creating content for your brand that users actually want to see on Facebook therefore remains a primary challenge for PR pros.

Infographic: Who Is More Active on Social Media—Men or Women?

October 8th, 2014 by

Savvy communicators know that being effective on social media is not about getting your message out on every available platform. Instead, a specific, targeted approach will make the best use of your teams’ time and help you avoid annoying your social media audience.

8 Tips for a 90-Second Professional Networking Encounter

October 7th, 2014 by

At PR News’ recent conferences we’ve taken networking very literally and have begun including speed networking sessions. Here are some tips to make all your brief, face-to-face networking encounters memorable and worthwhile.

Inconsistent Policies Hurt Employee Communications

October 6th, 2014 by

Bill Simmons’ suspension from ESPN for calling NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell a “liar” regarding the now infamous Ray Rice video has cast attention on the relationship between the sports network and the NFL.

How to Cultivate Your Online Communities

October 6th, 2014 by

The danger in using a solely traditional approach for media relations today—where the media landscape is changing with every blink of the eye—is that we run the risk of losing out on potential earned media opportunities that could be generated by and from our communities.