Social Media & SEO


LeBron James Wears ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Shirt Before a Game, and Continues to Redefine his Brand

December 9th, 2014 by

James’ move points to the increasing clout of social media—to drive action and bolster communities. “The power of social media,” he said.

10 Rules for Creating Engaging Social Media Messages

December 8th, 2014 by

The era of the hard sell and traditional sales and marketing tactics is long gone. You need to adjust your marketing messaging and align it with the social channel you are using to achieve a return on your social media investment. It all starts with creating engaging social media messages.

Monetize Social Media Platforms

December 8th, 2014 by

Businesses large and small are starting to invest increasingly high percentages of their promotional budgets in social media. A consensus on just how this social media investment impacts their top- and bottom-line revenue continues to be elusive, however.

Case Study: PR Campaign Puts a New Face on Parkinson’s Disease

December 8th, 2014 by

UCB, a top company in the neurological treatment market, and PR agency Cooney/Waters Group created Parkinson’s “More Than Motion” (MTM), an unbranded campaign designed to align awareness about the lesser known symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD)—such as difficulty sleeping and loss of taste and smell—with the goal of fostering an educational and supportive online community.

National Zoo Gets in the Holiday Spirit with #25DaysofReindeer

December 5th, 2014 by

National Zoo’s successful #25DaysofReindeer cuts though the clutter with fun, albeit a little geeky (in a good way) facts about the real-life Rudolf.

6 Tips for Pitching Journalists on Twitter

December 5th, 2014 by

Twitter is one of the most effective tools for media outreach. Any good media pitch delivers a succinct news angle, and writing a message that fits in Twitter’s 140-character limit is a great way to boil down your pitch to its essentials.

NYPD Responds to #ICantBreathe with #WeHearYou and Faces Backlash

December 4th, 2014 by

The NYPD has fallen prey to another Twitter miscue after a high-ranking officer responded on Twitter to the public reaction of grand jury decision.

Infographic: The State of Infographics

December 3rd, 2014 by

Infographics have grown to become one of the most powerful communications tools in use today. Are you using them to your advantage?

5 Tips (and 1 Big Tactic) to Increase Social Media Engagement

December 2nd, 2014 by

Communicators need to focus on the little things that made each social platform so popular to begin with. Namely, the ability to communicate.

7 Ways to Think Like a CEO on Social Media

December 1st, 2014 by

Tying social media to business outcomes can be as much fun for PR and marketing professionals as being stuck in traffic on your way to the airport. It can be an unpleasant fact of life.… Continued