

How to Shake Off Dusty Misconceptions: PR in Action

July 11th, 2013 by

The Free Library of Philadelphia wanted to let the city know that “we’re here, we’re awesome and we’re ready to help.” Read about the PR behind the campaign.

Wanted: Content Strategists With PR Savvy

July 10th, 2013 by

Marketers and PR professionals keep hearing the drumbeat of content marketing. And it takes a great content strategist to pick up this beat and produce the right kind of content for the right channel.

3 Ways PR Pros Can Leverage Tumblr

July 10th, 2013 by

Tumblr has released mobile app updates for iOS and Android that will boost discovery of new content. Here’s what communicators need to know about the platform.

Why Social Media is Important for Your Brand: Infographic

July 9th, 2013 by

By now, most agree that social media is a necessary tool for doing business. However, a recent report from Social Media Examiner’s “2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report” shows that although social media is valuable, not all networks will benefit your brand equally.

Playin’ in the Sand: PR Beach Reading

July 9th, 2013 by

As any PR pro can tell you, it’s all in the timing. Whether it’s when you reach a reporter just as he’s in the thick of a story for which your brand can provide some much-needed insight or launch a PR campaign that attaches itself to the zeitgeis…

How to Improve Crisis Management in Universities

July 9th, 2013 by

The experiences of Penn State and Rutgers show how cultures with lax oversight, athletic-department hubris and the failures of effective university leadership can sink well-cultivated reputations for learning and integrity.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter on Instagram

July 8th, 2013 by

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Used correctly, photo-sharing site Instagram can be worth a lot more to brands constantly trying to cut through the clutter.

3 Lessons Eliot Spitzer Can Learn From Anthony Weiner

July 8th, 2013 by

It’s been five years since Eliot Spitzer resigned as Governor of New York amid a prostitution scandal. However, after a short-lived stint as a pundit for several networks, Spitzer has announced that he is ready to give politics another go and is bidding for a spot as New York City’s comptroller.

As Details of Asiana Airlines Crash Emerge, the Company Faces a Crisis With Transparency

July 8th, 2013 by

In the immediate aftermath of the tragic plane crash on July 6, Asiana Airlines has been forthcoming with its findings, regardless of how the facts will reflect on the company.

Storytelling Skills the Secret Ingredient in Coca-Cola’s Digital Formula

July 5th, 2013 by

Ashley Callahan, who manages content development for Coca-Cola Journey and who will be leading an online storytelling session at PR News’ Aug. 5 Writing Boot Camp in San Francisco, notes that her company prizes storytelling skills, deeming them essential to building audiences in the crowded digital landscape.