

When The Crisis Is A Slow Burn, PR Has to Light A Fire With the Media

November 11th, 2013 by

What do you do when your CEO is under siege, the media smell blood and the story you’re trying to control takes on a life of its own?

How To Shed Light on Complex Stories

November 11th, 2013 by

On a daily basis, we see Democrats and Republicans trying to shape the narrative and control the story and, therefore, public opinion.

SMBs Say They Are More Optimistic About the Economy; A Few Shopping Items that Mom and Dad Can Agree On

November 11th, 2013 by

More than three-quarters of moms (80%) nationwide are making the major household purchasing decisions for their families, per a recent Child’s Play Communications study. Dads may still have a long way to go before they catch up, but the tide is slowly changing.

When Did You Realize You Wanted to Work in PR?

November 8th, 2013 by

When it comes to career, we all want to be “living the dream.” But to do that you first have to realize what it is you want to. PR News asked readers to fill in the blank and answer this question: “I knew I wanted to work in PR when_____.”

PR Needs to Master The Art of the Public Apology

November 8th, 2013 by

Americans are a forgiving lot. But you already knew that. Nevertheless, making a public apology is an art form, and something that communicators need to be well-versed for those times when there is a screw up and the only solution is to say you’re sorry.

What’s First, Technology or Content?

November 7th, 2013 by

I’ve been thinking lately about how media is moving increasingly toward a greater technology dependence. I’ve read about how investment dollars, especially in Silicon Valley, where so much media-related innovation is occurring, steer towards technology solutions for media consumers. New utilities—new ways to interact with content—seems to be more important than the content itself. Think […]

What’s First, Technology or Content?

November 7th, 2013 by

I’ve been thinking lately about how media is moving increasingly toward a greater technology dependence. I’ve read about how investment dollars, especially in Silicon Valley, where so much media-related innovation is occurring, steer towards technology… Continued

5 Tips to Maximize Twitter Engagement

November 7th, 2013 by

Twitter debuted on the New York Stock Exchange today, and so far is performing exceptionally well. Now that the company is public, there will likely be several innovative tools developed with brands in mind.

How to Get Employee Buy-In for Your CSR Program

November 7th, 2013 by

We hear it from senior PR and marketing executives time and again: The most effective CSR programs are those that have solid buy-in from the rank-and file (as opposed to aligning the brand to a cause that’s close to the CEO, but no one else in-house).

Do’s and Don’ts for B2B Companies on Facebook

November 6th, 2013 by

Even if you don’t share the company’s belief in the inherent, liberating benefits to humanity of Facebook, it’s hard to deny the power of the social network to expand the reach of brands to new audiences. And when we say brands, we don’t mean just B2C brands.