

How PR Pros Can Meld Social Media with SEO

July 29th, 2014 by

For PR pros and marketing executives, it’s a growing challenge of online communications: wedding social media to SEO.

Coca-Cola Hopes Social Media Can Help Sell Soda

July 29th, 2014 by

Coca-Cola announced an effort to start conversations about its brand this week, introducing its Tweet A Coke program which invites Twitter users to send $5 Cokes to friends via the micromessaging service.

3 Writing Tips for Successful Content Marketing

July 28th, 2014 by

Many brands have an army of subject matter experts ready to wax eloquent on the topics they deal with every day. What’s critical, however, is the way in which the topics are discussed, how the story is both conceived and told.

Norwegian Cruise Line Drowning in Bad PR

July 28th, 2014 by

Norwegian Cruise Line is being called “heartless” after the cruise-ship company refused to let a New York couple rebook a summer vacation after their 5-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer.

PR Insider: Media Training – What You Need to Know and When

July 28th, 2014 by

Some people are naturals with the media; others are horrible. But everyone should have some level of media training before talking to a reporter or going on social media.

What’s Your Mona Lisa? Finding the Fascination and Framing It Well

July 28th, 2014 by

It’s not every day you get to see the Mona Lisa in person. And for those of you who’ve been to The Louvre, you know it takes about a day to find the room where the Mona Lisa hangs and then a half day to wiggle your way to the front of the crowd to […]

What’s Your Mona Lisa? Finding the Fascination and Framing It Well

July 28th, 2014 by

It’s not every day you get to see the Mona Lisa in person. And for those of you who’ve been to The Louvre, you know it takes about a day to find the room where the Mona Lisa hangs and then a half day to wiggle your way to the front of the crowd to […]

Melding with Millennials

July 28th, 2014 by

For PR managers and directors who want to appeal to millennials, organization and stress management take a backseat to showing that your company takes initiative and motivates teams.

Using Media Elements to Rebrand Environmental Group

July 28th, 2014 by

While the process of changing its name from World Land Trust-US to Rainforest Trust started last year, the idea of the name change had been knocking around the nonprofit since 2010.

What PR Pros May Expect If They Get to the C-Suite

July 28th, 2014 by

if a CMO is honest, the real cause for his sleepless nights is worrying whether or not he has a happy CEO and stockholders, something that PR managers can surely relate to.