Media Relations


How to Reconfigure a (Bad) Press Release

November 17th, 2014 by

If you want news professionals to publish or comment on your news release, it has to be news, and has to provide benefits to the media outlet’s audience.

Connecting Your Brand to the Comet Landing Shouldn’t Be Too Cosmic

November 12th, 2014 by

As scientists cheer and the media celebrate, brand managers may consider the best way to get in on the action of the Philae landing. Buyer beware.

11 Media Pitching Tips for PR Pros

November 12th, 2014 by

Working journalists typically say they delete 20 email pitches at a time with nary a glance at the subject lines. To help you move the odds a bit more in your favor, Tracy Schario, communications officer for The Pew Charitable Trusts, and a presenter at PR News’ Dec. 11 Media Relations Conference in Washington, D.C., offers some advice to help you connect with the journalists who matter in your market.

The Epic List of Useless PR Tactics

November 11th, 2014 by

A while back I compiled a list of annoying phrases and words we utter as communicators (and human beings), from “at the end of the day” to “guru” and “epic”. The list, via my blog… Continued

Laundry Detergent Pod Makers Caught in Tumultuous Spin Cycle

November 10th, 2014 by

Debates about responsibility are beside the point right now for the laundry detergent manufacturers. Before a groundswell of public opinion rises demanding that the products be taken off the shelves, real plans to reconsider packaging and labeling will have to be announced—and soon.

Sharing Stories Is Job One

November 10th, 2014 by

Oscar Suris, executive VP and head of corporate communications at Wells Fargo, talks about the importance of sharing stories, life in a post-banking crisis universe and what he does to unwind.

8 Phrases and Clichés to Avoid in Your Writing

November 6th, 2014 by

Professional writing is full of unnecessary words and phrases that do more harm than good. To help fix that, here are 8 phrases and clichés to avoid in your writing.

It’s Election Day. Here’s What Communicators Can Learn About Media Relations From Politicians.

November 4th, 2014 by

As Election Day 2014 kicks into high gear, PR pros should pay close attention to how the candidates present themselves as the results are tallied.

PR Insider: TV Is Still Important in Your PR Plan

November 3rd, 2014 by

Everybody is on social media these days. But that does not mean you should not seek out TV interviews or turn them down if they come your way.

Case Study: Food Network Magazine Cooks Up Tasty Brand Extension

November 3rd, 2014 by

Chicago-based boutique PR agency Henson Consulting (HC) was tasked with expanding Food Network’s reputation by putting together the first-ever Food Network Concert at famed outdoor Chicago music venue Ravinia.