Media Relations


Kudos to Kim Mulkey (Sort of) and the Value of Front-Running

April 30th, 2024 by

LSU women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey held a presser on March 23 where she upbraided a soon-to-be-published Washington Post profile, calling it a “hit piece” and threatening to sue. Our author takes an unpopular POV about its effects—one that considers stakeholders.

chatGPT creating a customer service message

How to Use ChatGPT to Refine—Not Define—Your Media Pitches

April 26th, 2024 by

ChatGPT is a powerful platform that can streamline pitching processes and improve novel ideas. But starting from a point of originality is key. Our author explores how PR practitioners can leverage AI to refine our pitches rather than define them.

Tik Tok application icon on iPhone screen. Tiktok Social media network.

PR Roundup: TikTok Ban, HARO Relaunches as HERO, Positive Media Engagement

April 25th, 2024 by

This week’s PR Roundup looks at the impact of POTUS signing a federal TikTok bill into law, Propel’s Q1 Media Barometer findings and HARO relaunching as HERO.

Navigating Cannabis PR With Fluctuating Legislation

April 19th, 2024 by

It seems we’ve been at the precipice of a cannabis tipping point for years, and we’ve finally hit it from a legal and access perspective. But how is media coverage being impacted?

Attention CCOs: Here are 5 Smart Steps to Promoting Your AI Product

April 15th, 2024 by

There’s been an explosion of AI tools in the market, making it harder for new solutions to break from the pack and get meaningful attention. So in this environment, it’s not as simple as having great technology. You need to build an ecosystem of content and earned media around your product to boost awareness. Our author offers up five steps to get your AI offering noticed. 

Demonstrating PR Impact Through Earned Media Metrics

April 10th, 2024 by

As the industry grapples with identifying and communicating the most effective metrics for demonstrating PR’s impact—which is increasingly tied to driving business outcomes—PR measurement remains in a state of flux. PRNEWS spoke with Carolina Calkins, Principal at Intelligent Relations, to discuss earned media metrics and the influence of AI on measurement.

The Value of Pitching to Trade Publications

April 3rd, 2024 by

As news and content choices become more personalized and tailored for the average consumer, specialized outlets, also known as trade media, can make even more of an impact.

PR Roundup: DOJ’s Lawsuit Against Apple, Ladies Take Over March Madness and Gannett and AP Part Ways

March 21st, 2024 by

This week’s PR Roundup features the implications of the DOJ’s lawsuit against Apple, women’s basketball taking over March Madness and how a major news organization will maintain trust by parting ways with the Associated Press. 

Four Enchanting Ways To Get Lucky When Pitching Media

March 15th, 2024 by

PR professionals feel particularly “charmed” when they land a big placement. And on St. Patrick’s Day—and every day—it’s important to create their own luck when reaching out to reporters. Our author suggests following these four tips when pitching media.

iPhone with TikTok app logo on the screen. red-blue background

PR Roundup: TikTok Ban, Princess Kate and Journos Still Value PR

March 14th, 2024 by

This week’s PR Roundup looks at the business implications of a TikTok ban, Princess Kate’s image issues, and Muck Rack’s 2024 State of Journalism which shows that journalists still value PR.