Internal Communication


9 Common Constructive Criticisms of PR Writing

May 21st, 2014 by

Rather than engage in another theoretical discussion about PR writing, we went directly to our readers to hear the best writing criticism they’ve received.

The One Thing Every PR Person Needs to Do

May 15th, 2014 by

“PR is losing its leadership position in Social.”  That’s what the founder of a new company that provides social media measurement/monitoring tools to brands told me the other day when I asked about his target… Continued

Path to the Corner Office for Women Is a Shared One

May 13th, 2014 by

Walk into any gathering of communications professionals and the first thing you’ll notice is the large percentage of women—many of them brilliant, accomplished and primed for leadership in corporate America. Then consider sobering reality: Women… Continued

Break Down the Silos and Connect the Dots

May 12th, 2014 by

Today’s communicators need to practice a kind of integrated leadership that allows us to collaborate with others and see the connection points in everyone’s role.

Case Study: ‘Nightclub Series’ Gives Zumba a Brand New Beat

May 12th, 2014 by

With their dance floors and built-in sound systems, nightclubs would seem to be a natural extension for the Zumba brand.

6 Pieces of Wisdom for All Professional Women—Mothers Included

May 9th, 2014 by

To mark an expanded view of Mother’s Day we share these words of wisdom from successful women, meant for other women who seek to scale common obstacles in their professional lives.

Is There a Game of Thrones Character on Your Team?

May 5th, 2014 by

I am writing this blog post because I know you either watch Game of Thrones or have to listen to people who watch it. Not that I’m trying to game the system, but let’s face… Continued

Building Blocks for Your A-Team

April 21st, 2014 by

When we say that employees must be the center of the agency universe, we are talking about establishing something that few agencies do well: creating strong systems that can attract and retain the best in the business.

Communications is the Key to Stability in C-level Turnover

April 21st, 2014 by

Whether it’s a smooth transition or one fraught with controversy, PR pros will likely face the same issues: How do we communicate stability and mitigate any uncertainty among employees, stakeholders and investors?

14 Pieces of PR Advice to Read and Heed

April 21st, 2014 by

Dispensing advice is a centuries-old activity and it never gets old. When the PR News team decided to produce a Best PR Advice Book, it looked to the smartest people in the room to write… Continued