Best Practices to Leverage Keyword Insights

When identifying keywords to optimize online content for search, Robb Hecht, SVP and digital marketing strategist at imc strategy labs, recommends the following best practices:

• Industry/Market Knowledge: Consider your market knowledge when formulating content and choosing keywords.

• Competitors: Analyze competitors’ sites and their offline and online marketing communications collateral, as these have keywords that will likely be used in SEM/SEO campaigns.

• Web Analytics: Leverage Web analytics to learn the key phrases visitors used to arrive at your site.

• Site Search Box: Analyze your site’s internal search tool for insights on what users come to your site for; then work your findings into your offline content strategies to drive traffic online.

• Messaging. Analyze which SEM ad copy provides the highest click-through rates; transfer this into your SEO campaign, using it within the page title and metadata to increase click-through rates.