Stories by Nicole Schuman


Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Know Now

July 15th, 2019 by

Whether or not Alexa or Siri are your best girlfriends, public relations practitioners should research and explore the extent to which their organizations use AI and its performance. According to the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute: “AI is the umbrella term for the algorithms, technologies and techniques that make machines smarter, and give them superhuman capabilities.” While AI may seem smart enough to set and forget, responsible pr pros should lean in to the learning, advantages and possible disadvantages the tools may provide.

What the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Win Means for Equal Pay in PR

July 11th, 2019 by

While celebrity and fan support never hurts when fighting for a cause, the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team appearances inspired real media coverage. The publicity also sparked motion toward possible change in a lawsuit filed by the team against the U.S. Soccer Federation over gender discrimination. Moving the needle at a highly-publicized national level could also ignite change regarding pay for all industries, including the ever-present public relations gender wage gap.

What the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Win Means for Equal Pay in PR

July 11th, 2019 by

The United States Women’s Soccer Team victory tour might just be the envy of all campaign managers. The successful embrace of the team’s fight for equal pay organically resounded throughout the crowds at each appearance without any necessity for proddi…

How Muck Rack’s ‘State of Journalism 2019’ Study Impacts Media Relations

July 9th, 2019 by

Muck Rack, a journalist database, media monitoring and coverage reporting platform, released its 2019 State of Journalism study, highlighting how journalists use social media and work with PR teams. Currently, 47 percent of journalists believe that “the way most companies share information with the media is outdated.” It seems the PR industry still has some work to do towards building relationships and updating pitching for the digital era.

How to Activate Customers to Become Part of a Social Movement

July 1st, 2019 by

The modern consumer holds a world of information at their fingertips. They can research companies to the finest minute detail—including working conditions and the CEO’s latest political contributions. Younger generations hold companies accountable, and want to make purchases with those who uphold an authentically purposeful agenda surrounding their products and promotion.

4 Simple Ways to Boost the Performance of Your Business Content

June 26th, 2019 by

Content creators strive for the day a piece of work goes viral. And unfortunately there’s no platform or tool or magic spell that can make this happen. The best public relations pros can do is to research their audience and provide quality work that resonates and appeals with the consumer of the content. However, there are some best practices to follow to boost the performance of your work—so you can increase reach toward the desired groups.

How Companies Like Google Mend Self-Induced Crisis

June 19th, 2019 by

Big corporations can often find themselves in the middle of a crisis, whether intentional or unintentional. Google’s success contributed to the dominant wealth of Silicon Valley, and the corresponding real estate increases. Other companies have also been caught in the crosshairs of natural, ethical and cultural disasters. Their response or silence can determine future success. What are the key tactics for companies to emerge graciously from a fall from favor?

Anatomy of a Social Media Budget

June 18th, 2019 by

A social media budget should focus on so much more than just dollar signs. A good budget requires a recipe of research and development, as well as resources. Every organization, from billion dollar companies with multiple marketing departments across the globe, to smaller nonprofits with social media armies of one, should take a look at social media usage and where it fits into their overall strategy.

Happy Father’s Day to the ‘Father of PR’

June 14th, 2019 by

To celebrate Father’s Day it seemed fitting to revisit the history of the man dubbed the “Father of PR,” Edward Louis Bernays. Like any father, Bernays was not without his successes and failures, and controversial debates. For 103 years, this master of public opinion helped shape some of the cornerstones of PR.

Why Does a Woman CEO Need to Be a News Story?

June 13th, 2019 by

The battle for gender equality marches on, played out in one of the most public spaces, headline news. And it’s not just about how much coverage women are receiving versus men—whether in politics or business or sports—it’s also about how the media portrays women in their roles.