Stories by Brittany Clover


Beyond Cookies: Rebranding Tips for the Girl Scouts

September 24th, 2019 by

Admit it, we all know Girl Scout cookies. On the other hand, do we know the important role Girl Scouts play in encouraging young girls to become interested in science, math and technology? Do we appreciate the organization’s history? As the Boy Scouts rebrands and accepts girls in its ranks, the Girl Scouts must respond. Rebranding is the organization’s best way forward.

Raising Awareness is Comfortable, But Won’t be Effective in Today’s Markets

August 1st, 2019 by

Awareness campaigns are important, but after your target audience is aware of your message, it’s time to move ahead. Constantly restating the same awareness message year after year will eventually turn off your audience. Instead, it’s time to leave your comfort zone and move on to the next level of marketing.