Trends & Tactics …

A company's reputation has a profound impact on how reporters work with executives and report their stories. According to the 2002 Middleberg/Ross Survey of Media, which
surveyed 774 North American business, technology, health and consumer reporters, more than two-thirds of respondents report holding CEOs, CFOs and financial analysts in lower
esteem than they did a year ago. In addition:

  • 86 percent of reporters say disclosures of unethical behavior by a corporation sometimes or always affect financial coverage.
  • 72 percent say such disclosures of malfeasance affect product coverage.
  • The most popular source for corporate financial information is the company's Web site.

Tactics: Journalists are more skeptical than ever, especially of senior management.

Work closely with your investor relations counterparts to ensure you are communicating consistent financial messages and senior execs are prepared for probing questions from
the media.

Also, be sure your online press room includes links to this information, as well as rich IR resources and contact information.