The Radio PSA: 4 Things You Need to Know to Use the Medium 

While most communicators are familiar with broadcast and print public service announcements, radio is a different animal, says Bill Goodwill, CEO of Goodwill Communications. Here are four tips on how to leverage the airwaves for the most effective PSAs:

  1. Ensure Good Production Values: Since radio is not a visual medium, your radio production must create a “theater of the mind” via words and sound effects.

  2. Offer a Variety of Formats and Lengths: Produce PSAs in several different formats, including one for middle-of-the-road (MOR), which can be used by any station. Also, offer various spot lengths—30 and 60 seconds—and send them in MP3 format on a CD.

  3. Seek Endorsements: Get endorsements from organizations such as the National Association of Broadcasters and get your PSAs posted on their Spot Center.

  4. Involve State Broadcast Associations: Every state has a state broadcast association and you should send them your PSAs so they will forward them to their member stations. Click here for a list. 

PR News subscribers can read about how Wreaths Across America incorporated radio PSAs into their PR efforts in the case study: "Extensive Media Relations Effort Makes Wreath Campaign at Arlington National Cemetery a Success."