Stress: A Part of Agency Life

PR agency types not only accept a little stress in their lives, they expect it. Respondents in the latest Thomas L. Harris/Impulse Research survey ranked "a job with little stress and tension" last in a list of 18 factors that contribute to job satisfaction. The survey tallied responses from 1,256 agency employees at all levels. Other key findings:

The ideal job is one that provides challenging tasks and a sense of accomplishment (97%), a good employee-supervisor relationship (95%), and sufficient time for personal and family life (93%), according to respondents. Promotion potential, training opportunities, compensation, rewards, and feeling appreciated also received high ranks.

But those surveyed said their own jobs fell short of the mark in areas such as opportunities for higher earnings, promotion, rewards for extraordinary work, and personal time. Although 81 percent of respondents said their agencies were moving in the right direction, half said they hoped to be employed elsewhere five years from now.
