Say What?

We wish we could get excited about the news we received this week from Hyperception, "The Leader in DSP," but we aren't sure what the DSP acronymn stands for. The more
paranoid among us think it's short for "demoralizing stupid publishers." The release reads:

"Hyperception, Inc. announces the latest release of its popular Hypersignal RIDE component-based DSP design software with direct support for Texas Instruments DSK6211 &
DSK6711 DSP hardware. This tool provides an incredibly efficient means of real-time DSP programming - without the user having to write any code at all."

To help us visualize the concept, Hyperception sent the following 3" x 5" snapshot of its Web site:

Thanks for giving us the benefit of the doubt, but we're really not that smart.
Got a translator with that?