Almost all celebrities have favorite healthcare charities. But approaching them to do a PSA may be difficult.

Agents suggest researching celebrities to find their particular interests beforehand to find out for which charities they would donate the time for a promotion.

For example, a celebrity who dealt with breast implant surgery such as talk show host Jenny Jones may be more apt to speaking out on the subject.

"But a warning: most celebrities hand-pick their charities. It is getting increasingly hard to encourage artists to join new fundraisers," said Mary Lalli, talent agent for Westport Entertainment, in her information brochure on finding talent. However, Lalli said organizations educating the public usually have an easier time recruiting celebrities.

Some of the best celebrities to target are those with personal experiences. Tennis star Mary Joe Fernandez, an endometriosis survivor helped launch a nationwide campaign last year to educate other young women, their parents and doctors about the disorder.

"Sometimes you get lucky and they approach you," said Lalli. "You just have to be persistant." (Westport Entertainment, 203/341-7474