PR & Marketing Calendar

May 29: New York Women in Communications, "Ken Auletta Addresses Communications: The Past, Present and Future," New York, 212/661-4737.

June 1-27: Columbia Business School, "The Columbia Senior Executive Program," Harriman or Tarrytown, N.Y., 800/692-3932.

June 2-4: National Investor Relations Institute, "NIRI Annual Conference," Indian Wells, Calif., 703/506-3570.

June 3-6: The Center for Corporate Community Relations, "Community Relations Benchmarking," Boston, 617/552-4545.

June 8-11: International Association of Business Communicators, "International Conference," Los Angeles, 415/433-3400.

June 9: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., "Understanding Congress," Washington, D.C., 202/887-8620.

June 10: PRSA and Flying Kite Communications, "Politics Online Conference," Washington, D.C., 202/588-1737.

June 16-18: Clemson University, School of Professional Studies, "Effective Seminar/Conference Marketing," Washington, D.C., 864/656-2200.

June 16-18: International Public Relations Association, "XIV IPRA World Congress, "Visions for the Future Environment of Public Relations," Helsinki, Finland, 011-44-181-7634/5.

June 17-19: Institute for Crisis Management, "Crisis Communication Course," Louisville, Ky., 502/584-0402.