In National News: Aaron Brown, anchor of the Saturday edition of ABC's "World News Tonight," will leave this summer to join CNN as an anchor of a new evening newscast. ABC:
212/456-4040; CNN: 404/827-1500 ... Jean LemMon retires as editor-in-chief of Better Homes & Gardens after 13 years. Karol DeWulf Nickell, former editor-in-chief of
Traditional Home, replaces LemMon. 212/551-6984 ... Anna Holmes, staff writer, leaves Glamour but will continue to contribute to the magazine on a freelance basis. [email protected] ... Glenda Bailey, editor-in-chief of Marie Claire, has been named editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar. She will
continue to oversee Marie Claire until a replacement is named. For more information, visit ... Daniel Okrent
retires as editor-at-large of Time. He will occasionally contribute to Time, Fortune and Entertainment Weekly. 212/522-1212 ... Jonathan Krim, formerly with, joins
The Washington Post as staff writer covering technology policy for the Business section. Contact the business desk at 202/334-7320. In Business/Financial: Aparna Mukherjee joins
Bloomberg News as forums coordinator, arranging short interviews with newsmakers to be distributed over the Bloomberg Terminal. She is primarily interested in coordinating
interviews with the CEOs of publicly traded companies. Email [email protected] ... James Daly's title at Business 2.0 changes from editor-
in-chief to editorial director. He now oversees the editorial direction of the publication. Russ Mitchell shifts from executive editor to editor-in-chief. Email press materials
to both at [email protected], a general press release mailbox that is regularly checked by editorial staff ... In IT: Red Herring
loses Ken Yamada, commerce editor. Email inquiries to Blaise Zerega, features editor, [email protected]. loses Eric Stephan, interactive media manager. Rafe Needleman, editor, takes over his responsibilities. Email [email protected] ... Bill Howard joins FamilyPC as executive editor. He replaces John Godfrey, who left. Howard covers
news, trends, hardware, games and other software. Email [email protected].
(Media Moves provided by Press Access, a member of the LexisNexis Group, 617/542-6670 ext. 402,