Media Insight

The Journal of Commerce

Two World Trade Center 27th floor

New York, NY 10048

The Journal of Commerce is considered a national paper, but PR pros interested in pitching need to remember that editorial content is saturated with international trade, commerce and global transportation coverage. Editorial staff members want the latest news and trends in transportation, banking and finance. The paper is read by shippers, transportation vendors, importers and exporters, insurance agents and government officials. Published five days a week, the JOC publishes special sections every year on such topics as international trade, transportation, port authorities and coal - all great pitching bets. (Circulation: 18,290)


Covers all aspects of transportation: ocean, barge, rail, air, motor and intermodel.

The Washington, D.C. office also covers transportation issues, but from a policy and regulatory angle.

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: Desk Editor, Chris Brooks Fax: 212/837-7130 Phone: 212/837-7000 e-amil: [email protected]

Lead Time: varies depending upon the news week; for breaking news, call that morning.

METHODS: The paper goes to press at 2 p.m., so no calls before that. Once the editors are off deadline, you can either e-mail or fax Brooks.

COMMENTS: "We deal with a lot of PR people who have no idea of who we are and their pitching illustrates this lack of knowledge," say Assistant Managing Editor Peter Tirshwell. He takes all pitches and distributes faxes or mail to the appropriate editor. (Same fax as Brooks)

"You get upset after awhile because it's a waste of our time and theirs," says Brooks.


This section incorporates international and domestic banking and finance, foreign trade, energy, insurance, commodities and chemicals.

The JOC has reduced coverage of real estate, which also goes in this section.Desk Editor

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: Doug Bowen Fax: 212/837-7130 Phone: 212/837-7000

Lead Time: Again, call that morning with breaking news.

METHODS: All editors hate voice mail - especially "voice mail pitches."

If editors aren't interested, they won't call you or need any follow-up calls. The only time for following up is when you've sent a fax months ago about an upcoming event.

COMMENTS: Another great venue for pitches is the JOC's Web site at Tirschwell says stories remain on the site from the previous day, but any breaking stories also will be posted.

Since the site has original content, the staff from the print version also contributes to the Web site,

Editorial Contacts at The Journal of Commerce

Main Number: 212/837-7000

Bill Roberts

Bureau Chief


Tim Sansbury

Maritime reporter


Rip Watson

Transportation reporter


Richard Lawrence

International Trade


Heidi Przybyla

Trade issues


Greg Johnson

Web Editor


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