Media Insight

Redbook Magazine

224 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Increasingly, health stories are filling the pages of Redbook Magazine but there's
no room for health information that lacks practical and actionable advice. When
pitching this magazine that targets women in their 30s, presentation is everything,
says Stephanie Young, Redbook's senior health editor. When she makes content
decisions, she's looking for the basics: the health issue, the key facts about
it and at least three actionable pieces of advice readers can use.

The health issues that most resonate with Redbook readers are primarily OB/GYN-focused. Beyond that, pediatric information is a top priority. To meet the growing reader
appetite for health information, Redbook wants to expand its editorial Rolodex of reproductive health experts, physicians and organizations involved in medical research and
alternative/complementary care thought leaders.

Recent news headlines include:

  • 12 Surprising Things that are Making You Tired (and how to fight them);
  • Breast Health 101; and
  • The Stop-Stress-Now Guide.

Health Coverage

If you're pitching anything that has to do with the latest gynecological and reproductive health treatments and trends, you're hitting the right editorial hot buttons. Beyond
that, Redbook is interested in getting more info on pediatric health, alternative care treatments and tips for helping husbands achieve healthier lifestyles.

In terms of coverage, the magazine averages two regular columns on OB/GYN and Body/Mind issues, two health features and two smaller health sections on the latest studies.

Pitch Tips

The best way to land coverage in Redbook is by providing easy access to the doctors or other leading experts included in press releases, says Young. Often, she has a hard time
scheduling interviews with physicians involved in top-notch research she's been pitched on.

She's not interested in regurgitating poll and survey findings unless she can talk to those that were most involved in the research.

There's also ample opportunity to pitch inspirational patient stories.

Email is the best way to reach Young at [email protected].


While there is ongoing interest in the latest innovative treatments for women's health, the top editorial priority is providing readers with the best advice for treating common
conditions better. In the area of alternative health, readers really want to know whether doctors endorse these remedies and what kind of clinical studies are available.

Keep in mind that this magazine is planning issues five months ahead. Young is currently working on the February issue

Media Moves