Mammogram ‘Drifters’ Get Email Reminders

While most American women understand the importance of getting an annual breast cancer screenings, a significant number are mammogram "drifters"-those who have good intentions
but delay their exams because they forget. This is the chief finding of a national survey by Trex Medical Corp. and the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations.

Of those surveyed in March, 57% reported that they get an annual mammogram, but almost one-third said they put off the screening, either going irregularly or letting the length
of time between appointment lapse to 18 months because they forget to schedule them. Other survey highlights include:

  • 97% said they were aware that women over 40 should have annual breast cancer screenings.
  • Of those who said they didn't schedule a mammogram, "forget to make the date" or appointment times aren't convenient" were offered as top reasons.

To keep women on track, Trex Medical and NABCO are partnering to promote an email reminder program. Women who register on NABCO's Web site ( or Trex's site ( will receive an email reminder to schedule a mammogram appointment.

(Trex Medical, Dana Kopp, 212/481-7000)