Journalists Sound Off On PR Pet Peeves

Are you hitting a brick wall with journalists? Take a look at your media relations tactics, you may be committing some heavyduty PR blunders.

High on the list of PR pet peeves is multiple faxes, phone calls on deadline and pushy sales pitches, according to a recent editorial survey conducted by Phillips Business Information, HPRMN's publisher. The survey of 30 trade reporters provides insight on how to sharpen your media relations skills. The complete survey responses are published in the July 19 issue of PR News, HPRMN's sister publication. Here's a snapshot of the PR approaches that get on an editor's bad side:

  • Top on my list are people who call to see if I got their fax or email.
  • People who launch into a pitch on the phone without asking if I'm on deadline, which I am 18 days a month.
  • Requests for face-to-face meetings when there is no new announcement.
  • The use of the word "revolutionary" in every press release. If it didn't happen in 1776, it ain't revolutionary.