CEOs Out of the Spotlight

Despite recent CEO shakeups at multinational companies like Ford, media coverage of chief execs has hit an all-time low since Sept. 11. Burson-Marsteller's CEOTrack, a new
quarterly tracking system of CEOs in national U.S. newspapers and magazines, shows CEOs were averaging only 31 mentions per day between Sept. 11 and Nov. 7. By comparison, during
the dotcom bust in 2000, CEOs were getting 88 mentions per day. And immediately before Sept. 11, they still were averaging 64 mentions a day. A study conducted with Greenfield
Online in October shows employees overwhelmingly approve of CEOs turning their focus to internal matters--and away from the media spotlight--in the wake of the terrorist attacks.
Seventy percent said CEOs did a good to excellent job of communicating after the attacks.

(Peter Himler, 212/614-4082, [email protected],