

For Best PR Results, Follow the 3 O’s of Metrics: Outputs, Outtakes & Outcomes

August 27th, 2012 by

Measurement shouldn’t be thought of as a performance review—rather a continuous effort to improve program performance.

Tip Sheet: The Mobile Mix—PR Outreach Anytime, Anywhere

August 27th, 2012 by

In developing any PR program, it’s important to consider that your audience spends a great amount of time on a laptop, smart phone or tablet.

When Going On the PR Offensive is Just Plain Offensive

August 24th, 2012 by

On Wednesday, August 22, Dr. Graham Spanier, former president of Penn State University, and his lawyers went all attack-dog on former FBI director Louis Freeh and his report that blasted Spanier for failing to stop Jerry Sandusky’s child abuse on cam…

Citizen and Pro Journalists Converge on Twitter as Empire State Building Tragedy Unfolds

August 24th, 2012 by

In the aftermath of the shooting tragedy outside the Empire State Building, Twitter became the go-to source for breaking information from citizen journalists and the traditional media alike.

Citizen and Pro Journalists Converge on Twitter as Empire State Building Tragedy Unfolds

August 24th, 2012 by

In the aftermath of the shooting tragedy outside the Empire State Building, Twitter became the go-to source for breaking information from citizen journalists and the traditional media alike.

The PR ROI Challenge

August 23rd, 2012 by

Effective PR measurement requires a long-term, strategic vision, says Ford Kanzler of PR Savvy.

Employees Say They Lack Recognition

August 23rd, 2012 by

Just 45.3% of employees in an August 2012 study by Maritz Motivation Solutions felt meaningfully rewarded and recognized by employee reward and recognition programs.

PR News Hotlist: 8 Tips to Boost Engagement on Facebook

August 23rd, 2012 by

Tim Haran of USANA Health Sciences and Priya Ramesh of CRT/tanaka discuss the importance of using photos and timing posts to keep fans interested on Facebook.

Employees Say They Lack Recognition

August 23rd, 2012 by

Just 45.3% of employees in an August 2012 study by Maritz Motivation Solutions felt meaningfully rewarded and recognized by employee reward and recognition programs.

PR News Hotlist: 8 Tips to Boost Engagement on Facebook

August 23rd, 2012 by

Tim Haran of USANA Health Sciences and Priya Ramesh of CRT/tanaka discuss the importance of using photos and timing posts to keep fans interested on Facebook.