

Apps Take on Dual Role for Marketers; Catering Your Communications to Different Types of ‘Deal Seekers’

January 27th, 2014 by

Nearly 40% of U.S. consumers said they are unlikely to change their behavior as a result of a discount. Of course, that means the majority of U.S. consumers can be influenced through discounts.

Diversify Services? Check. Grow Revenue? Check. How March Communications is Delivering for its Customers Agency: March Communications

January 27th, 2014 by

PEER 1 Hosting, a Vancouver-B.C.-based provider of Internet and cloud-hosting services, had been attempting to garner international media coverage by working with a local agency. But PR and media outreach were falling short of expectations.

These days, however, PEER 1 is getting media coverage in first-tier technology publications like GigaOm and TechCrunch, not to mention The Wall Street Journal, on a pretty regular basis, thanks to March Communications.

Special PR Strategies Needed for Crises That Move Slowly, and Evolve

January 27th, 2014 by

Crises come in all varieties, but some are worse than others. The kind the emerge suddenly, but then evolve slowly are the worst, and the hardest to deal with.

Richard Sherman and the Danger of Misinterpretation in Communications

January 26th, 2014 by

You know how athletes celebrate by jumping in the air and banging into each other? Or develop ritual dances and other showboat-y gestures? This is especially true in football. I noticed in the Seahawks-49ers game… Continued

Richard Sherman and the Danger of Misinterpretation in Communications

January 26th, 2014 by

You know how athletes celebrate by jumping in the air and banging into each other? Or develop ritual dances and other showboat-y gestures? This is especially true in football. I noticed in the Seahawks-49ers game a week ago how when the Seahawks scored, they eschewed the dances. They just shook hands. I thought that was […]

Your Client Won a Grammy. Now What? (Lessons for PR Pros to the Stars and Everyone Else, Too)

January 24th, 2014 by

The real work starts for communications professionals before the event, planning acceptance speeches and organizing press conferences.

You’re a Storyteller First, But Never Forget Your Agency is a Business

January 24th, 2014 by

In all the day-to-day madness of serving clients and shaping content, don’t forget that you have a bottom line that must be met if you want to stay in business.

Courtney Love’s Landmark ‘Twibel’ Case and the Potential Impact on Social Media Policy

January 23rd, 2014 by

Courtney Love made history Wednesday as the first person to go to trial to defend herself against charges of libel on social media—an act known as “Twibel.”

LinkedIn Wants it to be Easier for You (and Your Non-Profit) to Change the World

January 22nd, 2014 by

This week, LinkedIn added a “volunteer marketplace” where users can search for philanthropic opportunities in their communities.

Make Sure Newsjacking the Super Bowl Doesn’t Turn Into a PR Fumble

January 21st, 2014 by

Super Bowl XLVIII is now set, with the Denver Broncos pitted against the Seattle Seahawks. But brand managers and PR pros have been scrambling for weeks if not months to come up with the most effective way(s) to align their message with the big game. Indeed, throughout the next 10 days or so, expect to […]