

Rough Financial Patch for PR Agencies

March 31st, 2014 by

It’s not pretty earnings-wise for PR agencies right now. Operating profit this year fell to an average of 16.1%, from 18.8% last year, according to an exclusive report produced by StevensGouldPincus on behalf of PR News.

LinkedIn’s New Tool Measures Brands’ Content Marketing Efforts

March 28th, 2014 by

The new information being provided to advertisers shows the social network’s strategy moving forward is squarely aimed at being a publisher—and a useful one at that.

5 Tips for Finding and Engaging With Influencers

March 28th, 2014 by

It’s all too easy to fall into habits—good and bad—in your communications with your industry’s influencers. Behavior that was effective six months ago may be limiting your circle of contacts now, and even taking the shine off current relationships.

From Russia to China and Back: Managing PR in an Unpredictable World

March 28th, 2014 by

PR is global. You can’t predict what will happen around the world. But you can prepare.

How Communicators Can Get Started with PR Measurement

March 27th, 2014 by

There are many potential metrics, or KPIs, that PR managers and directors can use as the basis to measure what impact social media and digital media have on a brand.

2 Key PR Skills Needed to Advance in an Organization

March 26th, 2014 by

Used to be, PR pros were called only after a marketing campaign was fully baked and asked to knock out a press release and work with the media to get the message out. No longer. These days, the currency for communicators lies in strategic decision-making, as indicated by PR News’ 2014 Salary Survey.

4 Ways Changing Media Patterns Are Disrupting PR

March 26th, 2014 by

PR communicators need to be aware now more than ever that their content must take into account the changes we are witnessing in digital news media.

How to Make Your Press Release Stand Out

March 25th, 2014 by

Some 3,000 news releases are distributed each day through BusinessWire, Marketwire, PrimeNewswire, PR Newswire and PR Web. If you plan to be one of them, how can you differentiate your message?

5 Misconceptions about Millennials

March 25th, 2014 by

The rap on Millennials, or people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, is that they are narcissists with an overwhelming sense of entitlement and an underwhelming work ethic.

Social Media Paradox: Number of Likes & Followers Don’t Mean Much, and How Can I Get More?

March 24th, 2014 by

“Likes” and “followers” remain two of the top metrics that PR pros look to when they track their social media campaigns. Unfortunately, the law of diminishing returns kicked in on those indices a while ago.