

Climate Change: Emerging Front in Crisis Comms

August 31st, 2009 by

Mad Men, the hit AMC series about a 1960s ad agency, evokes a workplace culture where outrageous sexism—behavior which even hinted at today would unleash a firestorm of litigation—is standard operating procedure. In contrasting then… Continued

Managing Issues to Protect Reputation & Build Brand Equity

August 31st, 2009 by

Recent research studies and industry reports haven’t had much good news to report regarding reputation and trust in business. Here is a quick glimpse of some damning stats: • The 2009 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed… Continued

Making the Most Out of Digital Media Relationships

August 31st, 2009 by

Following are a few best practices you can leverage for effective digital media relations

Climate Change: Emerging Front in Crisis Communications

August 31st, 2009 by

Crisis communications guidelines to follow in the environmental arena

Trust in Biz Takes a Turn—for the Best

August 25th, 2009 by

Each year, the annual Edelman Trust Barometer takes the pulse of informed publics’ confidence in public and private institutions worldwide. In January 2009, the research revealed the lowest trust levels in its 10-year history—likely a… Continued

What to Wear for an On-Camera Interview

August 24th, 2009 by

Tips on how to look your best wardrobe-wise when doing an on-air interview.

Best Practices for Launching an Environmental Stewardship Campaign

August 24th, 2009 by

Following are several tips that will help you craft an effective program.

Listening to Customer Complaints…

August 20th, 2009 by

For many big brands, the value of social media is about creating a more personal and tighter connection with their customers.  However, getting closer to your customers exposes all the flaws in your relationship.  For many brands with perpetual service problems, or the public perception of service problems, social media quickly becomes all about customer service, as seen by Comcast or H&R Block.

Tips for Improving Media Relations to Meet PR Goals

August 20th, 2009 by

Following are a four tips to maximize your media relations efforts while meeting your PR objectives:

Best Practices to Leverage Keyword Insights

August 18th, 2009 by

When identifying keywords to optimize online content for search, Robb Hecht, SVP and digital marketing strategist at imc strategy labs, recommends the following best practices: