Media Training


How To Find Your Inner Screenwriter

July 15th, 2013 by

Do your pitches keep getting the brush off? Consider borrowing a few tricks from Hollywood storytellers to make your press releases, pitches and other materials more emotionally compelling—and more successful.

Tips for Stellar Email Pitches and Media Relations Success

July 2nd, 2013 by

Peruse any journalist’s Twitter account and you’re bound to find a tweet about a terrible pitch they’ve received. Media relations is one of the most important skills for PR professionals to master, and email pitches are a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Paula Deen, J.Lo, Next Crisis: What is PR’s Role in a Hot Mess?

July 1st, 2013 by

There are countless communications takeaways from the recent celebrity gaffes. Whether it’s Paula Deen dealing with allegations of being a racist and then dropped like a buttered sweet potato by every brand partner, or Jennifer… Continued

Dialing Up More Serialized Content: There is No Stop and Start, Just Go

July 1st, 2013 by

For the last several years PR agency Peppercomm has worked with Nikon to promote the Nikon Small World photomicrography contest, which features up-close-and-personal views of everything from algae and bugs to beautiful landscapes. Previously, Peppercomm deployed its PR efforts around the winning entries, which offered a relatively small window—perhaps a few weeks or so—to get the word out and pitch the media to cover the contest and the results.

Video Pick: Paula Deen’s Today Show Non-Apology

June 27th, 2013 by

It’s been a little more than a week since we learned about Paula Deen’s damning deposition, in which the food queen uttered the ‘N’ word. But in that time Deen’s “sweet grandmother” image has suffered irreparable damage

Firing of Zimmer Doesn’t Exactly Suit a Social Media Age

June 25th, 2013 by

In abruptly firing Men’s Wearhouse founder and executive chairman George Zimmer, the men’s clothing company has sent a few messages to the marketplace, none of which are likely to help the brand’s reputation or its PR efforts.

Serena Williams Serves Up 2 Lessons for PR Pros

June 20th, 2013 by

Serena Williams has a history of speaking her mind and shooting straight from the hip. However, she may have crossed the line in a recent Rolling Stone interview.

No Media Training in Paula Deen’s Kitchen

June 20th, 2013 by

Celebrity chef and butter aficionado Paula Deen is losing in the court of public opinion as revelations of her racist remarks and behavior continue to unfurl in a lawsuit brought against her by a former manager. Deen’s actions are undeniably inexcusable and begs the question: Has anyone dared to suggest to her that perhaps she needs some media training?

How to Avoid the Stink in Your Storytelling

June 20th, 2013 by

My son Max tells very long stories that veer in curious directions. By the time he’s nearing the point, he forgets the ending. It’s rather cute and endearing – he is, after all, only 12… Continued

To Inject Storytelling in Business Communications, Read the Masters

June 11th, 2013 by

How many times in the last 48 hours have you read or heard the phrase “content is king”? Maybe people think that if you chant it enough times it’ll be true. But we know in our hearts that it’s not true—some content is king, but not all of it.