Digital & Technology


What Twitter’s Leaked iPhone App Update Means for PR Pros

July 9th, 2012 by

Planned upgrades for Twitter’s iPhone app have leaked from Apple’s i0S 6 App Store.

What Twitter’s Leaked iPhone App Update Means for PR Pros

July 9th, 2012 by

Planned upgrades for Twitter’s iPhone app have leaked from Apple’s i0S 6 App Store.

Ruling the Waves: 5 Tips for a Successful Radio Interview

July 6th, 2012 by

CommCore Consulting Group CEO Andy Gilman explains how to take advantage of the most imaginatively visual medium—radio.

Ruling the Waves: 5 Tips for a Successful Radio Interview

July 6th, 2012 by

CommCore Consulting Group CEO Andy Gilman explains how to take advantage of the most imaginatively visual medium—radio.

Cory Booker’s #waywire Targets Prime Audience: Millennials  

July 5th, 2012 by

The Newark, N.J., mayor and social media star has co-founded a media start-up for youth.

Cory Booker’s #waywire Targets Prime Audience: Millennials  

July 5th, 2012 by

The Newark, N.J., mayor and social media star has co-founded a media start-up for youth.

Journalists Relying More on Industry Insiders for New Stories

July 3rd, 2012 by

A boom in digital journalism has heralded a return to the traditional practice of seeking trusted, influential sources for stories.

Journalists Relying More on Industry Insiders for New Stories

July 3rd, 2012 by

A boom in digital journalism has heralded a return to the traditional practice of seeking trusted, influential sources for stories.

P&G Tops London Olympics’ ‘Social Scoreboard’

July 2nd, 2012 by

The 2012 London Summer Olympics will be the most "social" games by far—and the event sponsors are ready to compete.

P&G Tops London Olympics’ ‘Social Scoreboard’

July 2nd, 2012 by

The 2012 London Summer Olympics will be the most "social" games by far—and the event sponsors are ready to compete.