Case Study: AstraZeneca Finds Success with a CSO Education Program

In 1998 AstraZeneca received FDA marketing clearance for PerioChipO, indicated for treating adult periodontitis. To build brand equity among the product's target of dentists,
periodontists and dental hygienists, AstraZeneca developed a CSO program that used educational programming, thought leader development, and third party advocacy.

One way to reach this group was through dental hygiene school curriculums; local and national thought leaders; and continuing medical education courses offered by the American
Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA).

AstraZeneca partnered with OnCall, a leading Cincinnati, Ohio contract sales company, to recruit, train and manage a team of eight scientific educational liaisons to reach
these target audiences, called Dental Hygiene Educational Liaisons (DHELs). This team was charged with:

  • promoting AstraZeneca's image;
  • integrating PerioChipO into RDH school curriculums and establishing brand equity;
  • delivering RDH students into the industry as PerioChipO users; and
  • establishing, maintaining and leveraging support of local, regional and national chapters of the ADHA and thought leaders.

By the end of 1999, 95% of all professional dental hygiene school programs were reached. Of this group, 42% of the school programs have included PerioChipO into their teaching
curriculum and 25% have purchased PerioChipO for their clinics.