There’s no question that measuring the value of PR is one of a communicator’s biggest challenges. Whether you’re charged with handling your brand’s media relations, social media campaigns or both, a pointed question from the C-suite lingers: “How does this tie to our bottom line?” At the Measurement Conference later this week, experts will explain how to get senior leaders to see the value of your PR efforts. Here are some tips to get you started.
Stories by Melissa Hoffmann
PRNEWS and the Industry Are at an Inflection Point—What’s Next?
April 9th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannTo better serve the community, PRNEWS parent, Access Intelligence, brought together what had been separate operating groups. With this restructuring, Diane Schwartz, the longtime leader of PRNEWS and senior vice president of the Access Intelligence Media Group, departed the company after 23 years. When she came aboard, PRNEWS was just a weekly newsletter.
How to Make the C-Suite Understand the Value of PR
April 8th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannIt’s an unfortunate reality that some C-suite executives are either unaware or unconvinced of how communications and PR are providing value to their business, which can lead to slashed budgets and high turnover rates. Proving PR’s worth to the C-suite is one of the most hotly anticipated sessions at PRNEWS’ upcoming Measurement Conference April 17-18 in Washington, D.C. Here are six steps you can take to show PR’s value in a way that your company’s leadership will understand.
Facebook Flunks PR With Its Call for Regulation
April 3rd, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannMark Zuckerberg’s op-ed in the Washington Post made a strong call for social media regulation in four areas—harmful content, election integrity, privacy and data portability. But while vape maker JUUL got ahead of regulation in a smart way, the same PR tactic fell flat for Facebook. Here’s why.
First Person: Kenneth Makovsky, President of Makovsky and Founder of IPREX
April 2nd, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannPRNEWS asks movers and shakers in the PR and communications industry to share a little bit of their personal history and personality through answering a series of 10 questions.
Social and Digital KPIs to Prove PR Value to the C-Suite
March 26th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannMost measurement initiatives proceed in three stages. First, you need to define your business goals, then you need to determine the key performance indicators that align with them. And then comes perhaps the most important, and difficult, part: Communicating the outcomes to senior leaders in language they understand and tied to the goals they are prioritizing. Here are some sample KPIs linked to three business goals popular with the C-suite.
First Person: Anastasia Khoo, CMO for Conservation International
March 4th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannThis is the first installment of a feature in which PR News will ask movers and shakers in the industry to share a little bit of their personal history and personality through answering a series of 10 questions.
BuzzFeed’s Layoff Debacle Shows the Need for Robust Internal Comms
January 28th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannLast week Buzzfeed announced that it would lay off 15 percent of its staff—including 43 journalists in its news division, and the announcement hit newswires as a troubling bellwether for digital publishing. The company, which first rose to fame for its viral listicles before later earning legitimacy as a journalistic enterprise, was initially quiet about one detail that was blasted by negative news headlines, tweets, and a protest letter by 400 current and past employees: it would not pay out earned PTO as a part of its severance packages.
Facebook’s Latest Attack on Fake News Comes to Pages
January 24th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannIf you’re a Page manager for your brand, and you’ve got a new tab to the right of “Insights” on your dashboard, you’re in trouble. Facebook’s new “Page Quality” tab will appear “when we remove certain content that goes against our Community Standards and when we reduce the distribution of posts that have been rated false by a third-party fact-checker,” the social giant said in a news release. Additionally, the network updated its recidivism policy to combat the practice of users creating duplicate pages to continue to promote banned content.
How to Make a Great PR Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC]
January 16th, 2019 by Melissa HoffmannInfographics continue to be a great way to deliver information to your clients and those your clients want to reach. A study by Demand Gen report found that infographics can boost web traffic by 12… Continued