…And a Few Reasons Why Clients Expect Spec when Developing Proposals

  • That is the their cost of doing business; just as we do not charge our customers for developing an estimate. It is common business practice. It would be very distasteful
    to pay for a proposal that you do not like and will not implement or accept.
  • They are already getting sizeable retainers to understanding issues and priorities. Basic concepts cam be developed and presented for additional funding...Agencies shouldn't
    just wait to be dispatched for analyzing trends and opportunities.
  • Because they haven't proven anything yet, and can recoup the cost of the proposals if they get the business.
  • We can't guarantee any business will come of working on spec, but it helps build relationships, especially when both sides are dealing in good faith.

*Replies are from corporate section of comprehensive agency-client study conducted by the Counselors Academy on behalf of PR NEWS. More information from this exclusive study
runs in next week's issue (May 17) of PR NEWS.