You may want to beef up PSAs about handwashing -- people do not wash their hands as often as they think they do, risking poor health and the spread of infection, according to results of a survey released this week by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM).

Observing handwashing habits in public restrooms, researchers found that almost one third of people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Beyond asking people when they wash up, researchers observed handwashing behavior in public restrooms located in five major cities.

A follow-up telephone survey found 94 percent of respondents claim they always wash up after using the restroom.

In response to these findings, the ASM in partnership with Bayer Pharmaceutical Division is launching Operation Clean Hands _ a campaign to educate Americans about health risks associated with poor handwashing habits.

By calling 1-888-97-BAYER, consumers can receive the "Don't Get Caught Dirty Handed" brochure on the importance of handwashing and how and when to wash. (To get a copy of the survey call ASM at 202/737-6300).