6 Pinterest Tips for Telling Your Brand’s Story

There is no better time for communicators to promote their brand on Pinterest than right now. It remains one of the principal social media platforms for visual storytelling. Digital analytics firm eMarketer estimates the network will grow to over 47 million people this year. Pinterest is also actively engaged in a strategy to draw more men to the traditionally female-centric platform.

Krisleigh Hoermann
Krisleigh Hoermann

Whether you are new to Pinterest or your brand has been part of the network for some time, there are some key points to remember when it comes to telling your story and building a community there. Krisleigh Hoermann, director of operations and digital and social media consultant at the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, shares some thoughts based on her experiences with the network.

  • Think ahead. Don't pin on a whim. A solid strategy includes an editorial calendar that looks across all social media, brand journalism and PR/marketing campaigns.
  • We've all got a story to tell. Don't be afraid to use Pinterest to visually showcase your history. Pins that offer resources and share tips are an easy way to engage your community and keep them coming back for more.
  • Speaking of community, build one. Look for pins about your brand around the network, and thank the pinners for sharing. When relevant, re-pin to your boards and give credit with tags. Group boards are another way to engage trusted partners and their communities.
  • Measure twice, pin once. Think about how your Pinterest strategy supports your organizational goals. Once this is defined, you will have a better sense of what to measure to confirm the success of your strategy. Whether it be engagement, web traffic or contributions—each will change how you pin and what you measure.
  • Promote. Add a "Pin It" button to your brand's website. It's free to add, and it encourages website visitors to share your content.
  • Be patient. Start small and use data to inform what works best for your brand. It won't happen overnight, but over time, you'll realize the platform can be a game changer for your overall social media strategy.

Join Krisleigh Hoermann and other social media experts at PR News' Digital PR Conference, taking place June 1-3 in sunny Miami.  

Follow Krisleigh Hoermann@KrisleighH@American_Heart

Follow Richard Brownell: @RickBrownell