
For a moment, this PR NEWS editor felt like she was trapped in the modern-day equivalent of an Abbott & Costello routine when she called Palm Beach, Calif.-based
Triangle Broadcasting to follow up on news that they were launching a 24-hour gay and lesbian cable channel. Upon introducing myself as an editor with PR NEWS, Triangle
staffer Roger Asquith asked, "What's PR?" I explained the acronymn.

"Well how did you find out about us?" he asked.

"On PR Newswire," I replied.

"Oh, I didn't realize we were that newsworthy," he said.

Asquith later identified himself as acquisitions director - but added that he also serves as the company's PR director (who's on first?). He then mentioned that Dick Weiner is
Triangle's executive producer. (What's on second? We're resisting the adolescent temptation to belabor that tidbit.)

For what it's worth, the allegedly unworthy news is that Triangle is shopping for cable subscribers and programming for its new channel, set to launch Oct. 1. Programs will
cover, "news, gay and lesbian sports events, game shows and live shows from bars across the country," according to the release.

I don't know who's on third, but he's probably the one who posted the original release on PR Newswire.