Archive: May 2015


Small and Midsize Agencies Prospering

May 18th, 2015 by

The financial performance of small and midsize PR agencies remains strong. Operating profit rose an average 17.3 percent in 2014, compared with 15.9 percent in 2013, according to an exclusive study conducted by Gould + Partners.

Key Ingredients in PR for New Restaurants

May 18th, 2015 by

Have you ever tried publicizing a new restaurant in a food-crazy city? In late 2014, Good Stuff Eatery approached Chicago-based PR agency Henson Consulting (HC) to tout the opening of its newest location in Chicago and maximize media opportunities for celebrity chef Spike Mendelsohn and his family.

Which Social Media Networks Do Millennial PR Pros Really Use?

May 15th, 2015 by

PR News brought together more than a dozen millennial communicators from PR agencies, corporations and nonprofits to gather insights into how this rapidly ascending generation views the PR profession, and their own future within it.

15 Techie Terms & Tools PR Pros Should Know

May 15th, 2015 by

In the ever-changing world of technology and social media, terms and tools are constantly being adopted and used as if they are long-established parts of the lexicon. It can sometimes be difficult to take a step back and ask, “What does that mean?” without feeling sheepish.

3 Tumblr Tips to Take Your Brand on a Candy-Colored Trip

May 14th, 2015 by

Tumblr’s users in the U.S. have grown from 17.1 to 19.1 million this year compared to 2014, attracted, no doubt, by the blogging platform’s visual spectacle and potential to amuse those with a low tolerance for long-form content.

3 Reasons Why Email Marketing And PR Agencies Should Work Together

May 14th, 2015 by

PR practitioners are looking for ways to meld modern marketing tactics into their plans. And many are discovering that email marketing is one of the best crossover tools.

Philly Mayor Leads the Message After Amtrak Derailment

May 14th, 2015 by

Communicating crucial details with the public is a primary concern when a tragedy strikes. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has proven a largely effective crisis communicator.

A Recipe for McDonald’s’ Image Problems: You Should Want Fries With That

May 14th, 2015 by

“Know Thyself” —inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi *** In 1967, in what seemed like a far less-complicated time, a McDonald’s TV commercial, borrowing the tune from “Down by the Riverside,” claimed its burger restaurants were “my kind of place, a hap, hap, happy place, a clean and snappy place.” […]

A Recipe for McDonald’s Image Problems: You Should Want Fries With That

May 14th, 2015 by

“Know Thyself” —inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi *** In 1967, in what seemed like a far less-complicated time, a McDonald’s TV commercial, borrowing the tune from “Down by the Riverside,” claimed its burger restaurants were “my kind of place, a hap, hap, happy place, a clean and snappy place.” […]

What PR Pros Need to Know About Facebook Instant Articles

May 13th, 2015 by

Facebook’s Instant Articles has the potential to change the way people absorb news and content, and how PR communicators do their jobs.