Archive: October 2013


2013 Platinum PR Awards: Blog

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan – “An Apple a Day” in a Digital World: Michigan Blues Build Healthy Relationships with Consumers Through Sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the blog… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Product Launch

October 15th, 2013 by

Co-Winner: Macy’s Brings “Yes, Virginia The Musical” to Schools Nationwide When you think Macy’s and product launch, an animated musical probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But that was exactly what the… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Internal Publication

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: DIAGEO LAC – Our Passion How do you get 3,500 plus employees spread across many countries in the vast region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to feel as though they’re part of… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Public Affairs

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Be The Match with PadillaCRT – Inspiring Congressional Support of a Life-Saving Cause  Sometimes it’s easy to forget that public relations is more than bolstering brands and gaining publicity for clients. That is, sometimes… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Word of Mouth/Viral Campaign

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Stratasys Asks the World “What’s Possible?” with 3D Printing Stratasys was looking to position itself as a leader in the burgeoning 3D printing market, and wanted to get the word out among both engineers… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Employee Relations

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Financial Times Digital Learning Week 2012 With its Digital Learning Week 2012, The Financial Times set out to stay ahead of the digital curve by developing an internal communications strategy to reflect its external… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Financial/Investor Relations

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Qorvis Communications – Turning the Channel to Al Jazeera America It was a huge communications challenge: Al Jazeera Media Networks was going to acquire Current TV and use Current’s cable distribution to start a… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Media Relations

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Pepco Holdings, Inc. – A Change of Direction In recent years, Pepco Holdings, Inc., particularly its Pepco utility, struggled with service reliability and restoration issues that led to a customer satisfaction nosedive and indicated… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Trade Show/Event PR

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: AMD Technograffiti at SXSWi 2013 At SXSWi 2013, AMD hosted its own showcase, AMD Technograffiti, a digital underground event aimed at press, social media influencers, gaming enthusiasts, channel customers and AMD employees. The event… Continued

2013 Platinum PR Awards: Annual Report

October 15th, 2013 by

Winner: Perry Ellis International The Perry Ellis International Annual Report 2013 came to shareholders hot off the runway and ready to turn heads. The report was designed with the same eye for aesthetic and attention… Continued