Archive: July 2000


Content-Rich Web Portal Weaves Key Messages into Compelling Stories

July 17th, 2000 by

2000 Platinum Pr Honorable Mention The Case The American Plastics Council (APC) headed into 1999 on a mission to leverage the Web in promoting plastic’s virtues to consumers, as well as niche markets such as… Continued

Workplace Diversity is Overlooked as News Worthy of Investors’ Eyes

July 17th, 2000 by

Working to create diversity in the workplace is an important message to share with employees and with the general public, but it also could be having a greater affect on the bottom line than most… Continued

If a Tree Falls, What Do People Hear?

July 10th, 2000 by

1999 Platinum PR Honorable Mention The poet Joyce Kilmer claimed, “I think that I shall never see/A poem lovely as a tree.” But when he penned those words in 1919, much of the United States… Continued


July 10th, 2000 by

PR NEWS and its sister publication, min’s New Media Report, received the following rebuff in response to last week’s description of the newly launched SportsGeek, a Web site targeting high-brow sports enthusiasts: “Onion readers,… Continued

Media Strategy

July 10th, 2000 by

Broadcast Buzzwords. Heading out for a b-roll shoot? Might want to brush up on your broadcast vocabulary. Some terms you should know, courtesy of News Broadcast Network: Air check: Dubbed copy of an on-air broadcast… Continued

Editorial Calendar Alert

July 10th, 2000 by

Get an Edge. Time to plan ahead for the Sept. 8 cover story in ComputorEdge, a regional weekly targeting novice and intermediate computer users and shoppers. “Computers, Kids, and Education” will examine how digital technology… Continued


July 10th, 2000 by

MakeShift. Roughly 30 employees at Shift magazine have agreed to take a 35% pay cut in exchange for an equity stake in the title as a means of keeping it afloat until it can be… Continued

A World of Opportunity

July 10th, 2000 by

No doubt, PR executives are casting their nets wider in the quest for top talent. Speaking before the Chinese International PR Association on June 24 in Beijing, Ketchum chairman and incoming ICO president David Drobis… Continued

This Just In…

July 10th, 2000 by

The Wall Street Journal hires its first-ever outside PR agency. Fleishman-Hillard snags the account for both the Journal and (the e-business side was previously held by Miller Shandwick in Boston). British communications firm Cordiant… Continued


July 10th, 2000 by

Media Relations Manager Washington DC area corporation needs a communications pro with track record in creating, pitching and placing stories. Ideal candidate will have French fluency. You’ll build awareness and identity among mainstream news media… Continued