Corporate Social Responsibility


5 Ways to Make Your Social Good Great

August 6th, 2019 by

Corporate commitments to the big picture confer a halo that transcends commerce. So how do you get that halo? One of the most common—and effective—ways is via a CSR campaign. Here are some tips that can help you use these to connect with your audience and not just inspire loyalty, but inspire change.

Pinterest’s ‘Compassionate Search’ Reminds Us What Customer Care Really Means

July 23rd, 2019 by

Digital platforms are constantly rolling out new products and services to improve the user experience, but seldom do those new features consider the user’s experience off the platform. That’s where Pinterest, a social platform that organizes images on a digital corkboard, has broken new ground. Yesterday, its product team announced “an entirely new experience centered around emotional wellbeing,” reports Wired. “When you type in an anxiety-related query—something like ‘work anxiety,’ or ‘dealing with stress’—Pinterest will now display a box above the stream of pins.”

Why The Rise of Femvertising is Good PR

July 19th, 2019 by

Many marketers continue to operate with the idea that American family ideals of the past are relevant in targeting female demographics. But this tactic falls flat for many—if not most—modern women. Worse, it lacks the… Continued

Why Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Can’t Cure Its Transparency Blues

July 3rd, 2019 by

For the past few years, future-focused communicators have seen cryptocurrency as a potential tool for promoting brand transparency and accountability. That’s because blockchain, the digital technology that logs cryptocurrency transactions, acts as an unalterable ledger.… Continued

How to Activate Customers to Become Part of a Social Movement

July 1st, 2019 by

The modern consumer holds a world of information at their fingertips. They can research companies to the finest minute detail—including working conditions and the CEO’s latest political contributions. Younger generations hold companies accountable, and want to make purchases with those who uphold an authentically purposeful agenda surrounding their products and promotion.

Why Brands Should Focus Their CSR Efforts on Millennials

June 28th, 2019 by

There’s been a generational and cultural shift toward activism over the last few decades, as consumers call for more organic and open conversations about CSR from businesses. With this, the spirit of reversing capitalism-induced environmental and social damage has also become a trend in marketing. And millennials are largely the ones driving the shift.

Wayfair Walkout: How Not Taking a Stand Can Hurt a Brand

June 27th, 2019 by

Companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s have demonstrated the power of brand activism in marketing. With consumer expectations shifting in a tumultuous political environment, what happens when a brand decides to take a neutral approach? Online home furnishing company Wayfair is right now finding out the hard way.

Is Google Undermining Its Purpose by Censoring Employee Pride Protests?

June 25th, 2019 by

If “purpose” is to last as one of PR’s top buzzwords, brands need to step up their game. Already in the past few weeks we’ve seen Nike forced to adjust its purpose concerning treatment of pregnant spokespeople. Now Google, which espouses free speech, among other lofty values, is warning staff there will be repercussions should they protest as Google employees during this weekend’s Pride festivities in San Francisco. Apparently for Google, free speech has its limits.

How to Celebrate Pride Activism and Avoid Slacktivism

June 12th, 2019 by

Taking a stand or promoting a cause is important for brands, which want to identify with their target audience and its beliefs. Unfortunately, some brands view events such as Pride month or International Women’s Day purely as profit-making opportunities. Here are three tips brands need to embrace so they can be seen as promoting activism not slacktivism.

Brands That Take Action on Social Issues Provide Wings to Purpose

June 5th, 2019 by

Operating with purpose must be the lens through which every business decision is made, argues WE’s global CEO and founder Melissa Waggener Zorkin. While sticking to your values isn’t easy, the consequences of ignoring today’s societal issues are much greater. She offers highlights from recent research about purpose that aim to help communicators and leaders.