Zebra Technologies’ PR Head Puts Emphasis on Leads Instead of Misleading Impressions Metric

[Editor’s Note: Each week we highlight a slide from a PR News presentation of interest to readers. This week’s slide comes from Therese Van Ryne, who heads global PR & the global customer reference program at Zebra Technologies. She spoke at PR News’ Measurement Boot Camp earlier this month in NY. If you have a great presentation to share, please contact: [email protected]]

Resisting the urge to count impressions to the exclusion of engagement indicators remains one of the challenges of communications metrics. Sometimes an example where quality trumped quantity can prove useful. The slide below does that well.

Therese Van Ryne Head, Global PR, Global Customer Reference Program, Zebra Technologies
Therese Van Ryne
Head, Global PR, Global Customer Reference Program, Zebra Technologies

Zebra Technologies initially received relatively few impressions when one of its executives penned an article about workforce and operating system mobility in a small trade magazine called Field Technologies. Far more important, the article, which had a catchy title that included the phrase “A Revolution is Coming,” resulted in some 50 inquiries back to Zebra Technologies, Van Ryne says. “This generated a nice number of leads for us...not only did people read the story, they acted on it.”

In addition, “How many people who read the article will, down the road, act on it and contact us?” Van Ryne is guessing there’s more to come. “If we’d counted only impressions, this article would have been a failure.” Sometimes less really can be more.

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