* Submit It! a one-stop shopping site that will submit your site to
many places on the Web. It is a free and excellent time-saver; however
you can't tailor your listing for each site and it only includes 15
directories. http://www.submit-it.com

* Promote It! provides tools for do-it-yourself Web announcements and
promotions. http://www.iTools.com/promote-it

* WebPromote, a full-service Web promotion company. They will create
an ongoing Web promotion campaign for you. http://www.webpromote.com

* The Postmaster will promote your URL in as many places as possible.

* SponsorNet Media Market coordinates an online Web advertisement
auction. http://www.mediamarket.com

* Free Stuff from the World Wide Web oontains many links that provide
"free" stuff on the Web. http://www.coriolis.com/coriolis

* Newsgroup , one of the best usenet communities to announce your
site. http://boutell.com%7Egrant/charter.html