Using Technology To Your PR Advantage

Digital PR is something that has yet to be mastered by the industry in general. plugging In New PR technologies and reaching the media in today's 2.0 world can be a challenge, but Joanna Kulesa of Kulesa Public Relations can offer some solutions. Amidst the whirlwind of information, sometimes it's good to go back to basics, as Kulesa offers below.

1. Blogging. While it's been done and it seems like peeple may be over it, it works. A strong social media strategy can really set your company apart from the competition and extend your business' thought leadership outreach and touch a broader audience. Public relations professionals can help their companies or clients navigate these new waters through blogging.

2. Podcasting. According to InfoWorld research, it is the "second favorite way" for people (including decision makers) to receive information-next to print publications. It offers controlled production and messaging. It's inexpensive and excellent for promoting a problem and evangelizing the solution. And finally, it's measurable. You can easily tell how many people are downloading your podcast. Your PR firm should help you identify opportunities to partner with key outlets and industry partners to develop a podcast as well as assist you in the development of content.

Click here to get the rest of Kulesa's tips.