Understanding Menopause Mindsets

A one-size-fits-all educational approach to menopause won't cut it with the growing number of women who are either going through or will soon experience this mid-life change.
These baby boomer women, who are voracious information-seekers, are not a homogenous group. They manage menopause in five distinct ways, according to an attitudinal study
commissioned by Pharmacia Corp., manufacturer of Activella, a hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Their attitudes toward menopause range from proactive to traditional, but they all
have one underlying goal in common - control. Unlike their mothers' generation, these women are more vocal about preventing and overcoming the discomforts of menopause. Two-thirds
of those surveyed said they initiated a discussion about menopause with their physician and 15% broached the subject before experiencing symptoms.

The five menopause mindsets outlined in the study include:

  • New challengers who regularly pursue the latest research on menopause. They are most open to new ideas and likely to use a range of therapies, from pharmaceuticals to
    natural products.
  • Informed initiators who are typically planners. They anticipate and prepare for major life changes like menopause and are more likely to use HRT.
  • Savvy sisters who are career-oriented and pressed for time. They follow trends in the news, bud do not have time for in-depth information gathering. They are aware of the
    risks and benefits of HRT that have been widely reported in the news.
  • Trust seekers who are conservative and follow familiar health routines. They look to their doctors for advice and want menopause treatments that will let them meet their
    obligations without inconvenience.
  • Practical independents who are traditional and family-oriented. They are likely to be confused by menopause and least likely to discuss the subject with their doctors.

The study is based on a survey of 1,000 women between the ages of 46 and 56.

(Pharmacia Corp., Daniel Watts, 908/901-8592)